Fit Mum Transformations

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Hello, I am

Hajnalka Berkone


I have several years of experience in providing Online Fitness and Personal Training to working mums.

Are struggling to get back in shape? Do need help with living a healthy lifestyle?

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Hajnalka Berkone


2002 - The Beginning

As a Primary School Teacher in Hungary, I felt the best motivating children about physical education. 

In my childhood, physical activities were always my favourite. I loved to play basketball, and running competitions. 

As a teenager, traditional dance became one of my passion. 

During the college, I met a yoga master who motivated me so much that I was completely immersed in the motion of yoga. 

Physical activities, in some shape or form, has always been part of my life.

2008 - Moved to the UK

2008 is one of my most beautiful year in my life because I got married to the most wonderful man, but in the same year the world economic crisis came and we could not pay our dept. 

We had to decide and moved to England. We worked hard for years and finally paid our debts fortunately. I breathed it out and felt free for the first time in my life! 

However, I realized that I did all other works for too long time instead of my passion, the exercise, yoga, fitness, and the quality of life coming with all of these! 

I lost a lot of time, but it’s never too late and nothing was unnecessary. 

I’m here now and I’m just living my dreams! 

2013 - After giving birth

My life changed radically after my son was born. The most wonderful feeling in the world is to become a mother mostly after such hard times. However, my body was completely transformed, I was 78 kg, which is more than 12 kg extra. 

Since I was breastfeeding for a long time, I didn’t want to start serious diets, but I started to exercise and pay attention to what I was eating. I know afterwards that I took too many calories, so I lost weight very slowly. 

In 2016, I learned another important thing about myself from a sports specialist. I have an abdominal tear called Diastasis Recti with more than 2 cm in size, so the doctor advised me to finish traditional abdominal exercises and only do special exercises that won’t impact my abdomen.

2016 - Few Years Weight Issues

With healthy eating and active lifestyle, I managed to lose 10 kg between 2013 and 2016 so I became 68 kg. 

I was more satisfied, happier and definitely feeling better, but I returned to 72 kilos in 2017 again. 

There were several reasons for this. One of the reasons that I was unable to keep up with the dietary habits I had in previous years. I ate everything again. The other reason was emotional, because this year I lost my parents within half year what was very devastating. 

The feeling was always there to give up so in August 2017, I decided to find the ultimate solution to my weight problem. 

Due to the serious determination I started to go to the gym and soon after I kept loving it very much. I also changed my eating habits, besides I consumed protein drinks and capsules of all kinds of companies, but the end result was not really what I expected.

2018 - The Breakthrough

 Though I got 65 kg, but I didn’t feel good. I had gingivitis, IBS (bowel problem) and general tiredness. I was frustrated and disappointed. 

However, in mid-2018, after many attempts and searches, I found the program that works for me! I have completely transformed by the process based on the Mediterranean lifestyle. My health has also improved a lot. 

That’s why I became obsessed of learning everything I could about home workout, healthier eating habits and how to do it around raising my son. It’s now a passion of mine to help other busy mums feel their best while increasing their confidence. 

2020 - Online Fit Mum Transformation Coach

I have always had a great interest and passion in fitness and exercise and love helping others to achieve their goals. In January 2020, I embarked on a journey to be a Fit Mum Transformation coach. 

Getting qualified with the YMCA Fit, I I became a Personal Trainer which changed my life for better. I love every minute of the training –  fitness programming and nutrition planning for my clients. 

Based in Leicester, I have worked in for The Gym Group in the city centre, where I teach fitness classes (ABS BLAST, HIIT and FIT PUMP) and now I cater to my clients online.

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